Register an alternative handler which will be called whenever text is encountered. This differs from onText in that onText will decode the text, whereas onTextRaw will not. This allows you to make design choices, since onText will be more accurate, but slower, while onTextRaw will be faster, but less accurate. Of course, you can still call decode() within your handler, if you want, but you'd probably want to use onTextRaw only in circumstances where you know that decoding is unnecessary.
Parse an XML element.
Returns that part of the element which has already been parsed
Register a handler which will be called whenever a character data segment is encountered.
Register a handler which will be called whenever a comment is encountered.
Register a handler which will be called whenever a processing instruction is encountered.
Register a handler which will be called whenever text is encountered.
Register a handler which will be called whenever an XML instruction is encountered.
The Tag at the start of the element being parsed. You can read this to determine the tag's name and attributes.
Register a handler which will be called whenever an end tag is encountered which matches the specified name. You can also pass null as the name, in which case the handler will be called for any unmatched end tag.
Register a handler which will be called whenever a start tag is encountered which matches the specified name. You can also pass null as the name, in which case the handler will be called for any unmatched start tag.
Class for parsing an XML element.