1 // Written in the D programming language.
2 // Regular Expressions.
4 /**
5  * $(RED Deprecated. It will be removed in February 2012.
6  *       Please use $(LINK2 std_regex.html, std.regex) instead.)
7  *
8  * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/ctg/regular.html, Regular
9  * expressions) are a powerful method of string pattern matching.  The
10  * regular expression language used in this library is the same as
11  * that commonly used, however, some of the very advanced forms may
12  * behave slightly differently. The standard observed is the $(WEB
13  * www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm,
14  * ECMA standard) for regular expressions.
15  *
16  * undead.regexp is designed to work only with valid UTF strings as input.
17  * To validate untrusted input, use std.utf.validate().
18  *
19  * In the following guide, $(I pattern)[] refers to a
20  * $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com/ctg/regular.html, regular expression).
21  * The $(I attributes)[] refers to
22  * a string controlling the interpretation
23  * of the regular expression.
24  * It consists of a sequence of one or more
25  * of the following characters:
26  *
27  * <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
28  * <caption>Attribute Characters</caption>
29  * $(TR $(TH Attribute) $(TH Action))
30  * <tr>
31  * $(TD $(B g))
32  * $(TD global; repeat over the whole input string)
33  * </tr>
34  * <tr>
35  * $(TD $(B i))
36  * $(TD case insensitive)
37  * </tr>
38  * <tr>
39  * $(TD $(B m))
40  * $(TD treat as multiple lines separated by newlines)
41  * </tr>
42  * </table>
43  *
44  * The $(I format)[] string has the formatting characters:
45  *
46  * <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
47  * <caption>Formatting Characters</caption>
48  * $(TR $(TH Format) $(TH Replaced With))
49  * $(TR
50  * $(TD $(B $$))    $(TD $)
51  * )
52  * $(TR
53  * $(TD $(B $&amp;))    $(TD The matched substring.)
54  * )
55  * $(TR
56  * $(TD $(B $`))    $(TD The portion of string that precedes the matched substring.)
57  * )
58  * $(TR
59  * $(TD $(B $'))    $(TD The portion of string that follows the matched substring.)
60  * )
61  * $(TR
62  * $(TD $(B $(DOLLAR))$(I n)) $(TD The $(I n)th capture, where $(I n)
63  *      is a single digit 1-9
64  *      and $$(I n) is not followed by a decimal digit.)
65  * )
66  * $(TR
67  * $(TD $(B $(DOLLAR))$(I nn)) $(TD The $(I nn)th capture, where $(I nn)
68  *      is a two-digit decimal
69  *      number 01-99.
70  *      If $(I nn)th capture is undefined or more than the number
71  *      of parenthesized subexpressions, use the empty
72  *      string instead.)
73  * )
74  * </table>
75  *
76  * Any other $ are left as is.
77  *
78  * References:
79  *  $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expressions, Wikipedia)
80  * Macros:
81  *  WIKI = StdRegexp
82  *  DOLLAR = $
83  *
84  * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2011.
85  * License:   <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">Boost License 1.0</a>.
86  * Authors:   $(WEB digitalmars.com, Walter Bright)
87  * Source:    $(PHOBOSSRC std/_regexp.d)
88  */
89 /*          Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2011.
90  * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
91  *    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
92  *          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
93  */
95 /*
96   Escape sequences:
98   \nnn starts out a 1, 2 or 3 digit octal sequence,
99   where n is an octal digit. If nnn is larger than
100   0377, then the 3rd digit is not part of the sequence
101   and is not consumed.
102   For maximal portability, use exactly 3 digits.
104   \xXX starts out a 1 or 2 digit hex sequence. X
105   is a hex character. If the first character after the \x
106   is not a hex character, the value of the sequence is 'x'
107   and the XX are not consumed.
108   For maximal portability, use exactly 2 digits.
110   \uUUUU is a unicode sequence. There are exactly
111   4 hex characters after the \u, if any are not, then
112   the value of the sequence is 'u', and the UUUU are not
113   consumed.
115   Character classes:
117   [a-b], where a is greater than b, will produce
118   an error.
120   References:
122   http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr18/
123 */
125 module undead.regexp;
127 //pragma(msg, "Notice: As of Phobos 2.055, std.regexp has been deprecated. " ~
128 //            "It will be removed in February 2012. Please use std.regex instead.");
130 //debug = regexp;       // uncomment to turn on debugging printf's
132 private
133 {
134     import core.stdc.stdio;
135     import core.stdc.stdlib;
136     import core.stdc.string;
137     import std.array;
138     import std.stdio;
139     import std.string;
140     import std.ascii;
141     import std.outbuffer;
142     import std.bitmanip;
143     import std.utf;
144     import std.algorithm;
145     import std.array;
146     import std.traits;
147 }
149 //deprecated:
151 /** Regular expression to extract an _email address.
152  * References:
153  *  $(LINK2 http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html, How to Find or Validate an Email Address)$(BR)
154  *  $(LINK2 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.4.1, RFC 2822 Internet Message Format)
155  */
156 string email =
157     r"[a-zA-Z]([.]?([[a-zA-Z0-9_]-]+)*)?@([[a-zA-Z0-9_]\-_]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}";
159 /** Regular expression to extract a _url */
160 string url = r"(([h|H][t|T]|[f|F])[t|T][p|P]([s|S]?)\:\/\/|~/|/)?([\w]+:\w+@)?(([a-zA-Z]{1}([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,5}))(:[\d]{1,5})?)?((/?\w+/)+|/?)(\w+\.[\w]{3,4})?([,]\w+)*((\?\w+=\w+)?(&\w+=\w+)*([,]\w*)*)?";
162 /************************************
163  * One of these gets thrown on compilation errors
164  */
166 class RegExpException : Exception
167 {
168     this(string msg)
169     {
170         super(msg);
171     }
172 }
174 struct regmatch_t
175 {
176     sizediff_t rm_so; // index of start of match
177     sizediff_t rm_eo; // index past end of match
178 }
180 private alias char rchar;   // so we can make a wchar version
182 /******************************************************
183  * Search string for matches with regular expression
184  * pattern with attributes.
185  * Replace each match with string generated from format.
186  * Params:
187  *  s = String to search.
188  *  pattern = Regular expression pattern.
189  *  format = Replacement string format.
190  *  attributes = Regular expression attributes.
191  * Returns:
192  *  the resulting string
193  * Example:
194  *  Replace the letters 'a' with the letters 'ZZ'.
195  * ---
196  * s = "Strap a rocket engine on a chicken."
197  * sub(s, "a", "ZZ")        // result: StrZZp a rocket engine on a chicken.
198  * sub(s, "a", "ZZ", "g")   // result: StrZZp ZZ rocket engine on ZZ chicken.
199  * ---
200  *  The replacement format can reference the matches using
201  *  the $&amp;, $$, $', $`, $0 .. $99 notation:
202  * ---
203  * sub(s, "[ar]", "[$&]", "g") // result: St[r][a]p [a] [r]ocket engine on [a] chi
204  * ---
205  */
207 string sub(string s, string pattern, string format, string attributes = null)
208 {
209     auto r = new RegExp(pattern, attributes);
210     auto result = r.replace(s, format);
211     r.destroy();
212     return result;
213 }
215 unittest
216 {
217     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.sub.unittest\n");
219     string r = sub("hello", "ll", "ss");
220     assert(r == "hesso");
221 }
223 /*******************************************************
224  * Search string for matches with regular expression
225  * pattern with attributes.
226  * Pass each match to delegate dg.
227  * Replace each match with the return value from dg.
228  * Params:
229  *  s = String to search.
230  *  pattern = Regular expression pattern.
231  *  dg = Delegate
232  *  attributes = Regular expression attributes.
233  * Returns: the resulting string.
234  * Example:
235  * Capitalize the letters 'a' and 'r':
236  * ---
237  * s = "Strap a rocket engine on a chicken.";
238  * sub(s, "[ar]",
239  *    delegate char[] (RegExp m)
240  *    {
241  *         return toUpper(m[0]);
242  *    },
243  *    "g");    // result: StRAp A Rocket engine on A chicken.
244  * ---
245  */
247 string sub(string s, string pattern, string delegate(RegExp) dg, string attributes = null)
248 {
249     auto r = new RegExp(pattern, attributes);
251     string result = s;
252     size_t lastindex = 0;
253     size_t offset = 0;
255     while (r.test(s, lastindex))
256     {
257         auto so = r.pmatch[0].rm_so;
258         auto eo = r.pmatch[0].rm_eo;
260         string replacement = dg(r);
262         // Optimize by using std.string.replace if possible - Dave Fladebo
263         string slice = result[offset + so .. offset + eo];
264         if (r.attributes & RegExp.REA.global &&     // global, so replace all
265                 !(r.attributes & RegExp.REA.ignoreCase) &&  // not ignoring case
266                 !(r.attributes & RegExp.REA.multiline) &&   // not multiline
267                 pattern == slice)               // simple pattern (exact match, no special characters)
268         {
269             debug(regexp)
270                 printf("result: %.*s, pattern: %.*s, slice: %.*s, replacement: %.*s\n",
271                         result.length,      result.ptr,
272                         pattern.length,     pattern.ptr,
273                         slice.length,       slice.ptr,
274                         replacement.length, replacement.ptr);
275             result = replace(result,slice,replacement);
276             break;
277         }
279         result = replaceSlice(result, result[offset + so .. offset + eo], replacement);
281         if (r.attributes & RegExp.REA.global)
282         {
283             offset += replacement.length - (eo - so);
285             if (lastindex == eo)
286                 lastindex++;        // always consume some source
287             else
288                 lastindex = eo;
289         }
290         else
291             break;
292     }
293     r.destroy();
295     return result;
296 }
298 unittest
299 {
300     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.sub.unittest\n");
302     string foo(RegExp r) { return "ss"; }
304     auto r = sub("hello", "ll", delegate string(RegExp r) { return "ss"; });
305     assert(r == "hesso");
307     r = sub("hello", "l", delegate string(RegExp r) { return "l"; }, "g");
308     assert(r == "hello");
310     auto s = sub("Strap a rocket engine on a chicken.",
311             "[ar]",
312             delegate string (RegExp m)
313             {
314                 return std..string.toUpper(m[0]);
315             },
316             "g");
317     assert(s == "StRAp A Rocket engine on A chicken.");
318 }
321 /*************************************************
322  * Search $(D_PARAM s[]) for first match with $(D_PARAM pattern).
323  * Params:
324  *  s = String to search.
325  *  pattern = Regular expression pattern.
326  * Returns:
327  *  index into s[] of match if found, -1 if no match.
328  * Example:
329  * ---
330  * auto s = "abcabcabab";
331  * find(s, RegExp("b"));    // match, returns 1
332  * find(s, RegExp("f"));    // no match, returns -1
333  * ---
334  */
336 sizediff_t find(string s, RegExp pattern)
337 {
338     return pattern.test(s)
339         ? pattern.pmatch[0].rm_so
340         : -1;
341 }
343 unittest
344 {
345     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.find.unittest\n");
347     auto i = find("xabcy", RegExp("abc"));
348     assert(i == 1);
349     i = find("cba", RegExp("abc"));
350     assert(i == -1);
351 }
353 /**
354    Returns:
356    Same as $(D_PARAM find(s, RegExp(pattern, attributes))).
358    WARNING:
360    This function is scheduled for deprecation due to unnecessary
361    ambiguity with the homonym function in std.string. Instead of
362    $(D_PARAM undead.regexp.find(s, p, a)), you may want to use $(D_PARAM
363    find(s, RegExp(p, a))).
364 */
366 sizediff_t
367 find(string s, string pattern, string attributes = null)
368 {
369     auto r = new RegExp(pattern, attributes);
370     scope(exit) r.destroy();
371     return r.test(s) ? r.pmatch[0].rm_so : -1;
372 }
374 unittest
375 {
376     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.find.unittest\n");
378     auto i = find("xabcy", "abc");
379     assert(i == 1);
380     i = find("cba", "abc");
381     assert(i == -1);
382 }
384 /*************************************************
385  * Search $(D_PARAM s[]) for last match with $(D_PARAM pattern).
386  * Params:
387  *  s = String to search.
388  *  pattern = Regular expression pattern.
389  * Returns:
390  *  index into s[] of match if found, -1 if no match.
391  * Example:
392  * ---
393  * auto s = "abcabcabab";
394  * rfind(s, RegExp("b"));    // match, returns 9
395  * rfind(s, RegExp("f"));    // no match, returns -1
396  * ---
397  */
399 sizediff_t rfind(string s, RegExp pattern)
400 {
401     sizediff_t i = -1, lastindex = 0;
403     while (pattern.test(s, lastindex))
404     {
405         auto eo = pattern.pmatch[0].rm_eo;
406         i = pattern.pmatch[0].rm_so;
407         if (lastindex == eo)
408             lastindex++;        // always consume some source
409         else
410             lastindex = eo;
411     }
412     return i;
413 }
415 unittest
416 {
417     sizediff_t i;
419     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.rfind.unittest\n");
420     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", RegExp("c"));
421     assert(i == 6);
422     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", RegExp("cd"));
423     assert(i == 6);
424     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", RegExp("x"));
425     assert(i == -1);
426     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", RegExp("xy"));
427     assert(i == -1);
428     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", RegExp(""));
429     assert(i == 10);
430 }
432 /*************************************************
433 Returns:
435   Same as $(D_PARAM rfind(s, RegExp(pattern, attributes))).
439 This function is scheduled for deprecation due to unnecessary
440 ambiguity with the homonym function in std.string. Instead of
441 $(D_PARAM undead.regexp.rfind(s, p, a)), you may want to use $(D_PARAM
442 rfind(s, RegExp(p, a))).
443 */
445 sizediff_t
446 rfind(string s, string pattern, string attributes = null)
447 {
448     typeof(return) i = -1, lastindex = 0;
450     auto r = new RegExp(pattern, attributes);
451     while (r.test(s, lastindex))
452     {
453         auto eo = r.pmatch[0].rm_eo;
454         i = r.pmatch[0].rm_so;
455         if (lastindex == eo)
456             lastindex++;        // always consume some source
457         else
458             lastindex = eo;
459     }
460     r.destroy();
461     return i;
462 }
464 unittest
465 {
466     sizediff_t i;
468     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.rfind.unittest\n");
469     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", "c");
470     assert(i == 6);
471     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", "cd");
472     assert(i == 6);
473     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", "x");
474     assert(i == -1);
475     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", "xy");
476     assert(i == -1);
477     i = rfind("abcdefcdef", "");
478     assert(i == 10);
479 }
482 /********************************************
483  * Split s[] into an array of strings, using the regular
484  * expression $(D_PARAM pattern) as the separator.
485  * Params:
486  *  s = String to search.
487  *  pattern = Regular expression pattern.
488  * Returns:
489  *  array of slices into s[]
490  * Example:
491  * ---
492  * foreach (s; split("abcabcabab", RegExp("C.", "i")))
493  * {
494  *     writefln("s = '%s'", s);
495  * }
496  * // Prints:
497  * // s = 'ab'
498  * // s = 'b'
499  * // s = 'bab'
500  * ---
501  */
503 string[] split(string s, RegExp pattern)
504 {
505     return pattern.split(s);
506 }
508 unittest
509 {
510     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.split.unittest()\n");
511     string[] result;
513     result = split("ab", RegExp("a*"));
514     assert(result.length == 2);
515     assert(result[0] == "");
516     assert(result[1] == "b");
518     foreach (i, s; split("abcabcabab", RegExp("C.", "i")))
519     {
520         //writefln("s[%d] = '%s'", i, s);
521         if (i == 0) assert(s == "ab");
522         else if (i == 1) assert(s == "b");
523         else if (i == 2) assert(s == "bab");
524         else assert(0);
525     }
526 }
528 /********************************************
529   Returns:
530     Same as $(D_PARAM split(s, RegExp(pattern, attributes))).
534 This function is scheduled for deprecation due to unnecessary
535 ambiguity with the homonym function in std.string. Instead of
536 $(D_PARAM undead.regexp.split(s, p, a)), you may want to use $(D_PARAM
537 split(s, RegExp(p, a))).
538 */
540 string[] split(string s, string pattern, string attributes = null)
541 {
542     auto r = new RegExp(pattern, attributes);
543     auto result = r.split(s);
544     r.destroy();
545     return result;
546 }
548 unittest
549 {
550     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.split.unittest()\n");
551     string[] result;
553     result = split("ab", "a*");
554     assert(result.length == 2);
555     assert(result[0] == "");
556     assert(result[1] == "b");
558     foreach (i, s; split("abcabcabab", "C.", "i"))
559     {
560         //writefln("s[%d] = '%s'", i, s.length, s.ptr);
561         if (i == 0) assert(s == "ab");
562         else if (i == 1) assert(s == "b");
563         else if (i == 2) assert(s == "bab");
564         else assert(0);
565     }
566 }
568 /****************************************************
569  * Search s[] for first match with pattern[] with attributes[].
570  * Params:
571  *  s = String to search.
572  *  pattern = Regular expression pattern.
573  *  attributes = Regular expression attributes.
574  * Returns:
575  *  corresponding RegExp if found, null if not.
576  * Example:
577  * ---
578  * import std.stdio;
579  * import undead.regexp;
580  *
581  * void main()
582  * {
583  *     if (auto m = undead.regexp.search("abcdef", "c"))
584  *     {
585  *         writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m[0], m.post);
586  *     }
587  * }
588  * // Prints:
589  * // ab[c]def
590  * ---
591  */
593 RegExp search(string s, string pattern, string attributes = null)
594 {
595     auto r = new RegExp(pattern, attributes);
596     if (!r.test(s))
597     {
598       r.destroy();
599       r = null;
600       assert(r is null);
601     }
602     return r;
603 }
605 unittest
606 {
607     debug(regexp) printf("regexp.string.unittest()\n");
609     if (auto m = undead.regexp.search("abcdef", "c()"))
610     {
611         auto result = std..string.format("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m[0], m.post);
612         assert(result == "ab[c]def");
613         assert(m[1] == null);
614         assert(m[2] == null);
615     }
616     else
617     assert(0);
619     if (auto n = undead.regexp.search("abcdef", "g"))
620     {
621         assert(0);
622     }
623 }
625 /* ********************************* RegExp ******************************** */
627 /*****************************
628  * RegExp is a class to handle regular expressions.
629  *
630  * It is the core foundation for adding powerful string pattern matching
631  * capabilities to programs like grep, text editors, awk, sed, etc.
632  */
633 class RegExp
634 {
635     /*****
636      * Construct a RegExp object. Compile pattern
637      * with <i>attributes</i> into
638      * an internal form for fast execution.
639      * Params:
640      *  pattern = regular expression
641      *  attributes = _attributes
642      * Throws: RegExpException if there are any compilation errors.
643      * Example:
644      *  Declare two variables and assign to them a RegExp object:
645      * ---
646      * auto r = new RegExp("pattern");
647      * auto s = new RegExp(r"p[1-5]\s*");
648      * ---
649      */
650     public this(string pattern, string attributes = null)
651     {
652         pmatch = (&gmatch)[0 .. 1];
653         compile(pattern, attributes);
654     }
656     /*****
657      * Generate instance of RegExp.
658      * Params:
659      *  pattern = regular expression
660      *  attributes = _attributes
661      * Throws: RegExpException if there are any compilation errors.
662      * Example:
663      *  Declare two variables and assign to them a RegExp object:
664      * ---
665      * auto r = RegExp("pattern");
666      * auto s = RegExp(r"p[1-5]\s*");
667      * ---
668      */
669     public static RegExp opCall(string pattern, string attributes = null)
670     {
671         return new RegExp(pattern, attributes);
672     }
674     unittest
675     {
676         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.opCall.unittest()\n");
677         auto r1 = RegExp("hello", "m");
678         string msg;
679         try
680         {
681             auto r2 = RegExp("hello", "q");
682             assert(0);
683         }
684         catch (RegExpException ree)
685         {
686             msg = ree.toString();
687             //writefln("message: %s", ree);
688         }
689         assert(std.algorithm.countUntil(msg, "unrecognized attribute") >= 0);
690     }
692     /************************************
693      * Set up for start of foreach loop.
694      * Returns:
695      *  search() returns instance of RegExp set up to _search string[].
696      * Example:
697      * ---
698      * import std.stdio;
699      * import undead.regexp;
700      *
701      * void main()
702      * {
703      *     foreach(m; RegExp("ab").search("abcabcabab"))
704      *     {
705      *         writefln("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m[0], m.post);
706      *     }
707      * }
708      * // Prints:
709      * // [ab]cabcabab
710      * // abc[ab]cabab
711      * // abcabc[ab]ab
712      * // abcabcab[ab]
713      * ---
714      */
716     public RegExp search(string string)
717     {
718         input = string;
719         pmatch[0].rm_eo = 0;
720         return this;
721     }
723     /** ditto */
724     public int opApply(scope int delegate(ref RegExp) dg)
725     {
726         int result;
727         RegExp r = this;
729         while (test())
730         {
731             result = dg(r);
732             if (result)
733                 break;
734         }
736         return result;
737     }
739     unittest
740     {
741         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.search.unittest()\n");
743         int i;
744         foreach(m; RegExp("ab").search("abcabcabab"))
745         {
746             auto s = std..string.format("%s[%s]%s", m.pre, m[0], m.post);
747             if (i == 0) assert(s == "[ab]cabcabab");
748             else if (i == 1) assert(s == "abc[ab]cabab");
749             else if (i == 2) assert(s == "abcabc[ab]ab");
750             else if (i == 3) assert(s == "abcabcab[ab]");
751             else assert(0);
752             i++;
753         }
754     }
756     /******************
757      * Retrieve match n.
758      *
759      * n==0 means the matched substring, n>0 means the
760      * n'th parenthesized subexpression.
761      * if n is larger than the number of parenthesized subexpressions,
762      * null is returned.
763      */
764     public string opIndex(size_t n)
765     {
766         if (n >= pmatch.length)
767             return null;
768         else
769         {
770             auto rm_so = pmatch[n].rm_so;
771             auto rm_eo = pmatch[n].rm_eo;
772             if (rm_so == rm_eo)
773                 return null;
774             return input[rm_so .. rm_eo];
775         }
776     }
778     /**
779        Same as $(D_PARAM opIndex(n)).
781        WARNING:
783        Scheduled for deprecation due to confusion with overloaded
784        $(D_PARAM match(string)). Instead of $(D_PARAM regex.match(n))
785        you may want to use $(D_PARAM regex[n]).
786     */
787     public string match(size_t n)
788     {
789         return this[n];
790     }
792     /*******************
793      * Return the slice of the input that precedes the matched substring.
794      */
795     public @property string pre()
796     {
797         return input[0 .. pmatch[0].rm_so];
798     }
800     /*******************
801      * Return the slice of the input that follows the matched substring.
802      */
803     public @property string post()
804     {
805         return input[pmatch[0].rm_eo .. $];
806     }
808     uint re_nsub;       // number of parenthesized subexpression matches
809     regmatch_t[] pmatch;    // array [re_nsub + 1]
811     string input;       // the string to search
813     // per instance:
815     string pattern;     // source text of the regular expression
817     string flags;       // source text of the attributes parameter
819     int errors;
821     uint attributes;
823     enum REA
824     {
825         global      = 1,    // has the g attribute
826             ignoreCase  = 2,    // has the i attribute
827             multiline   = 4,    // if treat as multiple lines separated
828         // by newlines, or as a single line
829             dotmatchlf  = 8,    // if . matches \n
830             }
833 private:
834     size_t src;         // current source index in input[]
835     size_t src_start;       // starting index for match in input[]
836     size_t p;           // position of parser in pattern[]
837     regmatch_t gmatch;      // match for the entire regular expression
838     // (serves as storage for pmatch[0])
840     const(ubyte)[] program; // pattern[] compiled into regular expression program
841     OutBuffer buf;
846 /******************************************/
848 // Opcodes
850     enum : ubyte
851     {
852         REend,      // end of program
853             REchar,     // single character
854             REichar,        // single character, case insensitive
855             REdchar,        // single UCS character
856             REidchar,       // single wide character, case insensitive
857             REanychar,      // any character
858             REanystar,      // ".*"
859             REstring,       // string of characters
860             REistring,      // string of characters, case insensitive
861             REtestbit,      // any in bitmap, non-consuming
862             REbit,      // any in the bit map
863             REnotbit,       // any not in the bit map
864             RErange,        // any in the string
865             REnotrange,     // any not in the string
866             REor,       // a | b
867             REplus,     // 1 or more
868             REstar,     // 0 or more
869             REquest,        // 0 or 1
870             REnm,       // n..m
871             REnmq,      // n..m, non-greedy version
872             REbol,      // beginning of line
873             REeol,      // end of line
874             REparen,        // parenthesized subexpression
875             REgoto,     // goto offset
877             REwordboundary,
878             REnotwordboundary,
879             REdigit,
880             REnotdigit,
881             REspace,
882             REnotspace,
883             REword,
884             REnotword,
885             REbackref,
886             };
888 // BUG: should this include '$'?
889     private int isword(dchar c) { return isAlphaNum(c) || c == '_'; }
891     private uint inf = ~0u;
893 /* ********************************
894  * Throws RegExpException on error
895  */
897     public void compile(string pattern, string attributes)
898     {
899         //printf("RegExp.compile('%.*s', '%.*s')\n", pattern.length, pattern.ptr, attributes.length, attributes.ptr);
901         this.attributes = 0;
902         foreach (rchar c; attributes)
903         {   REA att;
905             switch (c)
906             {
907             case 'g': att = REA.global;     break;
908             case 'i': att = REA.ignoreCase; break;
909             case 'm': att = REA.multiline;  break;
910             default:
911                 error("unrecognized attribute");
912                 return;
913             }
914             if (this.attributes & att)
915             {   error("redundant attribute");
916                 return;
917             }
918             this.attributes |= att;
919         }
921         input = null;
923         this.pattern = pattern;
924         this.flags = attributes;
926         uint oldre_nsub = re_nsub;
927         re_nsub = 0;
928         errors = 0;
930         buf = new OutBuffer();
931         buf.reserve(pattern.length * 8);
932         p = 0;
933         parseRegexp();
934         if (p < pattern.length)
935         {   error("unmatched ')'");
936         }
937         // @@@ SKIPPING OPTIMIZATION SOLVES BUG 941 @@@
938         //optimize();
939         program = buf.data;
940         buf.data = null;
941         buf.destroy();
943         if (re_nsub > oldre_nsub)
944         {
945             if (pmatch.ptr is &gmatch)
946                 pmatch = null;
947             pmatch.length = re_nsub + 1;
948         }
949         pmatch[0].rm_so = 0;
950         pmatch[0].rm_eo = 0;
951     }
953 /********************************************
954  * Split s[] into an array of strings, using the regular
955  * expression as the separator.
956  * Returns:
957  *  array of slices into s[]
958  */
960     public string[] split(string s)
961     {
962         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.split()\n");
964         string[] result;
966         if (s.length)
967         {
968             sizediff_t p, q;
969             for (q = p; q != s.length;)
970             {
971                 if (test(s, q))
972                 {
973                     q = pmatch[0].rm_so;
974                     auto e = pmatch[0].rm_eo;
975                     if (e != p)
976                     {
977                         result ~= s[p .. q];
978                         for (size_t i = 1; i < pmatch.length; i++)
979                         {
980                             auto so = pmatch[i].rm_so;
981                             auto eo = pmatch[i].rm_eo;
982                             if (so == eo)
983                             {   so = 0; // -1 gives array bounds error
984                                 eo = 0;
985                             }
986                             result ~= s[so .. eo];
987                         }
988                         q = p = e;
989                         continue;
990                     }
991                 }
992                 q++;
993             }
994             result ~= s[p .. s.length];
995         }
996         else if (!test(s))
997             result ~= s;
998         return result;
999     }
1001     unittest
1002     {
1003         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.split.unittest()\n");
1005         auto r = new RegExp("a*?", null);
1006         string[] result;
1007         string j;
1008         int i;
1010         result = r.split("ab");
1012         assert(result.length == 2);
1013         i = (result[0] == "a");
1014         assert(i == 1);
1015         i = (result[1] == "b");
1016         assert(i == 1);
1018         r = new RegExp("a*", null);
1019         result = r.split("ab");
1020         assert(result.length == 2);
1021         i = (result[0] == "");
1022         assert(i == 1);
1023         i = (result[1] == "b");
1024         assert(i == 1);
1026         r = new RegExp("<(\\/)?([^<>]+)>", null);
1027         result = r.split("a<b>font</b>bar<TAG>hello</TAG>");
1029         debug(regexp)
1030         {
1031             for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
1032                 printf("result[%d] = '%.*s'\n", i, result[i].length, result[i].ptr);
1033         }
1035         j = join(result, ",");
1036         //printf("j = '%.*s'\n", j.length, j.ptr);
1037         i = (j == "a,,b,font,/,b,bar,,TAG,hello,/,TAG,");
1038         assert(i == 1);
1040         r = new RegExp("a[bc]", null);
1041         result = r.match("123ab");
1042         j = join(result, ",");
1043         i = (j == "ab");
1044         assert(i == 1);
1046         result = r.match("ac");
1047         j = join(result, ",");
1048         i = (j == "ac");
1049         assert(i == 1);
1050     }
1052 /*************************************************
1053  * Search string[] for match with regular expression.
1054  * Returns:
1055  *  index of match if successful, -1 if not found
1056  */
1058     public sizediff_t find(string string)
1059     {
1060         if (test(string))
1061             return pmatch[0].rm_so;
1062         else
1063             return -1;         // no match
1064     }
1066 //deprecated alias find search;
1068     unittest
1069     {
1070         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.find.unittest()\n");
1072         RegExp r = new RegExp("abc", null);
1073         auto i = r.find("xabcy");
1074         assert(i == 1);
1075         i = r.find("cba");
1076         assert(i == -1);
1077     }
1080 /*************************************************
1081  * Search s[] for match.
1082  * Returns:
1083  *  If global attribute, return same value as exec(s).
1084  *  If not global attribute, return array of all matches.
1085  */
1087     public string[] match(string s)
1088     {
1089         string[] result;
1091         if (attributes & REA.global)
1092         {
1093             sizediff_t lastindex = 0;
1095             while (test(s, lastindex))
1096             {
1097                 auto eo = pmatch[0].rm_eo;
1099                 result ~= input[pmatch[0].rm_so .. eo];
1100                 if (lastindex == eo)
1101                     lastindex++;        // always consume some source
1102                 else
1103                     lastindex = eo;
1104             }
1105         }
1106         else
1107         {
1108             result = exec(s);
1109         }
1110         return result;
1111     }
1113     unittest
1114     {
1115         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.match.unittest()\n");
1117         int i;
1118         string[] result;
1119         string j;
1120         RegExp r;
1122         r = new RegExp("a[bc]", null);
1123         result = r.match("1ab2ac3");
1124         j = join(result, ",");
1125         i = (j == "ab");
1126         assert(i == 1);
1128         r = new RegExp("a[bc]", "g");
1129         result = r.match("1ab2ac3");
1130         j = join(result, ",");
1131         i = (j == "ab,ac");
1132         assert(i == 1);
1133     }
1136 /*************************************************
1137  * Find regular expression matches in s[]. Replace those matches
1138  * with a new string composed of format[] merged with the result of the
1139  * matches.
1140  * If global, replace all matches. Otherwise, replace first match.
1141  * Returns: the new string
1142  */
1144     public string replace(string s, string format)
1145     {
1146         debug(regexp) printf("string = %.*s, format = %.*s\n", s.length, s.ptr, format.length, format.ptr);
1148         string result = s;
1149         sizediff_t lastindex = 0;
1150         size_t offset = 0;
1152         for (;;)
1153         {
1154             if (!test(s, lastindex))
1155                 break;
1157             auto so = pmatch[0].rm_so;
1158             auto eo = pmatch[0].rm_eo;
1160             string replacement = replace(format);
1162             // Optimize by using replace if possible - Dave Fladebo
1163             string slice = result[offset + so .. offset + eo];
1164             if (attributes & REA.global &&      // global, so replace all
1165                     !(attributes & REA.ignoreCase) &&   // not ignoring case
1166                     !(attributes & REA.multiline) &&    // not multiline
1167                     pattern == slice &&         // simple pattern (exact match, no special characters)
1168                     format == replacement)      // simple format, not $ formats
1169             {
1170                 debug(regexp)
1171                 {
1172                     auto sss = result[offset + so .. offset + eo];
1173                     printf("pattern: %.*s, slice: %.*s, format: %.*s, replacement: %.*s\n",
1174                             pattern.length, pattern.ptr, sss.length, sss.ptr, format.length, format.ptr, replacement.length, replacement.ptr);
1175                 }
1176                 result = std.array.replace(result,slice,replacement);
1177                 break;
1178             }
1180             result = replaceSlice(result, result[offset + so .. offset + eo], replacement);
1182             if (attributes & REA.global)
1183             {
1184                 offset += replacement.length - (eo - so);
1186                 if (lastindex == eo)
1187                     lastindex++;        // always consume some source
1188                 else
1189                     lastindex = eo;
1190             }
1191             else
1192                 break;
1193         }
1195         return result;
1196     }
1198     unittest
1199     {
1200         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.replace.unittest()\n");
1202         int i;
1203         string result;
1204         RegExp r;
1206         r = new RegExp("a[bc]", "g");
1207         result = r.replace("1ab2ac3", "x$&y");
1208         i = (result == "1xaby2xacy3");
1209         assert(i == 1);
1211         r = new RegExp("ab", "g");
1212         result = r.replace("1ab2ac3", "xy");
1213         i = (result == "1xy2ac3");
1214         assert(i == 1);
1215     }
1218 /*************************************************
1219  * Search string[] for match.
1220  * Returns:
1221  *  array of slices into string[] representing matches
1222  */
1224     public string[] exec(string s)
1225     {
1226         debug(regexp) printf("regexp.exec(string = '%.*s')\n", s.length, s.ptr);
1227         input = s;
1228         pmatch[0].rm_so = 0;
1229         pmatch[0].rm_eo = 0;
1230         return exec();
1231     }
1233 /*************************************************
1234  * Pick up where last exec(string) or exec() left off,
1235  * searching string[] for next match.
1236  * Returns:
1237  *  array of slices into string[] representing matches
1238  */
1240     public string[] exec()
1241     {
1242         if (!test())
1243             return null;
1245         auto result = new string[pmatch.length];
1246         for (int i = 0; i < pmatch.length; i++)
1247         {
1248             if (pmatch[i].rm_so == pmatch[i].rm_eo)
1249                 result[i] = null;
1250             else
1251                 result[i] = input[pmatch[i].rm_so .. pmatch[i].rm_eo];
1252         }
1254         return result;
1255     }
1257 /************************************************
1258  * Search s[] for match.
1259  * Returns: 0 for no match, !=0 for match
1260  * Example:
1261 ---
1262 import std.stdio;
1263 import undead.regexp;
1264 import std.string;
1266 int grep(int delegate(char[]) pred, char[][] list)
1267 {
1268   int count;
1269   foreach (s; list)
1270   {  if (pred(s))
1271        ++count;
1272   }
1273   return count;
1274 }
1276 void main()
1277 {
1278   auto x = grep(&RegExp("[Ff]oo").test,
1279                 std.string.split("mary had a foo lamb"));
1280   writefln(x);
1281 }
1282 ---
1283 * which prints: 1
1284 */
1285                 //@@@
1286 public bool test(string s)
1287     {
1288         return test(s, 0 /*pmatch[0].rm_eo*/) != 0;
1289     }
1291 /************************************************
1292  * Pick up where last test(string) or test() left off, and search again.
1293  * Returns: 0 for no match, !=0 for match
1294  */
1296     public int test()
1297     {
1298         return test(input, pmatch[0].rm_eo);
1299     }
1301 /************************************************
1302  * Test s[] starting at startindex against regular expression.
1303  * Returns: 0 for no match, !=0 for match
1304  */
1306     public int test(string s, size_t startindex)
1307     {
1308         char firstc;
1310         input = s;
1311         debug (regexp) printf("RegExp.test(input[] = '%.*s', startindex = %zd)\n", input.length, input.ptr, startindex);
1312         pmatch[0].rm_so = 0;
1313         pmatch[0].rm_eo = 0;
1314         if (startindex < 0 || startindex > input.length)
1315         {
1316             return 0;           // fail
1317         }
1318         //debug(regexp) printProgram(program);
1320         // First character optimization
1321         firstc = 0;
1322         if (program[0] == REchar)
1323         {
1324             firstc = program[1];
1325             if (attributes & REA.ignoreCase && isAlpha(firstc))
1326                 firstc = 0;
1327         }
1329         for (auto si = startindex; ; si++)
1330         {
1331             if (firstc)
1332             {
1333                 if (si == input.length)
1334                     break;          // no match
1335                 if (input[si] != firstc)
1336                 {
1337                     si++;
1338                     if (!chr(si, firstc))   // if first character not found
1339                         break;      // no match
1340                 }
1341             }
1342             for (size_t i = 0; i < re_nsub + 1; i++)
1343             {
1344                 pmatch[i].rm_so = -1;
1345                 pmatch[i].rm_eo = -1;
1346             }
1347             src_start = src = si;
1348             if (trymatch(0, program.length))
1349             {
1350                 pmatch[0].rm_so = si;
1351                 pmatch[0].rm_eo = src;
1352                 //debug(regexp) printf("start = %d, end = %d\n", gmatch.rm_so, gmatch.rm_eo);
1353                 return 1;
1354             }
1355             // If possible match must start at beginning, we are done
1356             if (program[0] == REbol || program[0] == REanystar)
1357             {
1358                 if (attributes & REA.multiline)
1359                 {
1360                     // Scan for the next \n
1361                     if (!chr(si, '\n'))
1362                         break;      // no match if '\n' not found
1363                 }
1364                 else
1365                     break;
1366             }
1367             if (si == input.length)
1368                 break;
1369             debug(regexp)
1370             {
1371                 auto sss = input[si + 1 .. input.length];
1372                 printf("Starting new try: '%.*s'\n", sss.length, sss.ptr);
1373             }
1374         }
1375         return 0;       // no match
1376     }
1378     /**
1379        Returns whether string $(D_PARAM s) matches $(D_PARAM this).
1380     */
1381     alias test opEquals;
1382 //     bool opEquals(string s)
1383 //     {
1384 //         return test(s);
1385 //     }
1387     unittest
1388     {
1389         assert("abc" == RegExp(".b."));
1390         assert("abc" != RegExp(".b.."));
1391     }
1393     int chr(ref size_t si, rchar c)
1394     {
1395         for (; si < input.length; si++)
1396         {
1397             if (input[si] == c)
1398                 return 1;
1399         }
1400         return 0;
1401     }
1404     void printProgram(const(ubyte)[] prog)
1405     {
1406         //debug(regexp)
1407         {
1408             size_t len;
1409             uint n;
1410             uint m;
1411             ushort *pu;
1412             uint *puint;
1413             char[] str;
1415             printf("printProgram()\n");
1416             for (size_t pc = 0; pc < prog.length; )
1417             {
1418                 printf("%3d: ", cast(int)pc);
1420                 //printf("prog[pc] = %d, REchar = %d, REnmq = %d\n", prog[pc], REchar, REnmq);
1421                 switch (prog[pc])
1422                 {
1423                 case REchar:
1424                     printf("\tREchar '%c'\n", prog[pc + 1]);
1425                     pc += 1 + char.sizeof;
1426                     break;
1428                 case REichar:
1429                     printf("\tREichar '%c'\n", prog[pc + 1]);
1430                     pc += 1 + char.sizeof;
1431                     break;
1433                 case REdchar:
1434                     printf("\tREdchar '%c'\n", *cast(dchar *)&prog[pc + 1]);
1435                     pc += 1 + dchar.sizeof;
1436                     break;
1438                 case REidchar:
1439                     printf("\tREidchar '%c'\n", *cast(dchar *)&prog[pc + 1]);
1440                     pc += 1 + dchar.sizeof;
1441                     break;
1443                 case REanychar:
1444                     printf("\tREanychar\n");
1445                     pc++;
1446                     break;
1448                 case REstring:
1449                     len = *cast(size_t *)&prog[pc + 1];
1450                     str = (cast(char*)&prog[pc + 1 + size_t.sizeof])[0 .. len];
1451                     printf("\tREstring x%x, '%.*s'\n", cast(int)len, cast(int)str.length, str.ptr);
1452                     pc += 1 + size_t.sizeof + len * rchar.sizeof;
1453                     break;
1455                 case REistring:
1456                     len = *cast(size_t *)&prog[pc + 1];
1457                     str = (cast(char*)&prog[pc + 1 + size_t.sizeof])[0 .. len];
1458                     printf("\tREistring x%x, '%.*s'\n", cast(int)len, cast(int)str.length, str.ptr);
1459                     pc += 1 + size_t.sizeof + len * rchar.sizeof;
1460                     break;
1462                 case REtestbit:
1463                     pu = cast(ushort *)&prog[pc + 1];
1464                     printf("\tREtestbit %d, %d\n", pu[0], pu[1]);
1465                     len = pu[1];
1466                     pc += 1 + 2 * ushort.sizeof + len;
1467                     break;
1469                 case REbit:
1470                     pu = cast(ushort *)&prog[pc + 1];
1471                     len = pu[1];
1472                     printf("\tREbit cmax=%02x, len=%d:", pu[0], cast(int)len);
1473                     for (n = 0; n < len; n++)
1474                         printf(" %02x", prog[pc + 1 + 2 * ushort.sizeof + n]);
1475                     printf("\n");
1476                     pc += 1 + 2 * ushort.sizeof + len;
1477                     break;
1479                 case REnotbit:
1480                     pu = cast(ushort *)&prog[pc + 1];
1481                     printf("\tREnotbit %d, %d\n", pu[0], pu[1]);
1482                     len = pu[1];
1483                     pc += 1 + 2 * ushort.sizeof + len;
1484                     break;
1486                 case RErange:
1487                     len = *cast(uint *)&prog[pc + 1];
1488                     printf("\tRErange %d\n", cast(int)len);
1489                     // BUG: REAignoreCase?
1490                     pc += 1 + uint.sizeof + len;
1491                     break;
1493                 case REnotrange:
1494                     len = *cast(uint *)&prog[pc + 1];
1495                     printf("\tREnotrange %d\n", cast(int)len);
1496                     // BUG: REAignoreCase?
1497                     pc += 1 + uint.sizeof + len;
1498                     break;
1500                 case REbol:
1501                     printf("\tREbol\n");
1502                     pc++;
1503                     break;
1505                 case REeol:
1506                     printf("\tREeol\n");
1507                     pc++;
1508                     break;
1510                 case REor:
1511                     len = *cast(uint *)&prog[pc + 1];
1512                     printf("\tREor %d, pc=>%d\n", cast(int)len, cast(int)(pc + 1 + uint.sizeof + len));
1513                     pc += 1 + uint.sizeof;
1514                     break;
1516                 case REgoto:
1517                     len = *cast(uint *)&prog[pc + 1];
1518                     printf("\tREgoto %d, pc=>%d\n", cast(int)len, cast(int)(pc + 1 + uint.sizeof + len));
1519                     pc += 1 + uint.sizeof;
1520                     break;
1522                 case REanystar:
1523                     printf("\tREanystar\n");
1524                     pc++;
1525                     break;
1527                 case REnm:
1528                 case REnmq:
1529                     // len, n, m, ()
1530                     puint = cast(uint *)&prog[pc + 1];
1531                     len = puint[0];
1532                     n = puint[1];
1533                     m = puint[2];
1534                     printf("\tREnm%s len=%d, n=%u, m=%u, pc=>%d\n",
1535                             (prog[pc] == REnmq) ? "q".ptr : " ".ptr,
1536                             cast(int)len, n, m, cast(int)(pc + 1 + uint.sizeof * 3 + len));
1537                     pc += 1 + uint.sizeof * 3;
1538                     break;
1540                 case REparen:
1541                     // len, n, ()
1542                     puint = cast(uint *)&prog[pc + 1];
1543                     len = puint[0];
1544                     n = puint[1];
1545                     printf("\tREparen len=%d n=%d, pc=>%d\n", cast(int)len, n, cast(int)(pc + 1 + uint.sizeof * 2 + len));
1546                     pc += 1 + uint.sizeof * 2;
1547                     break;
1549                 case REend:
1550                     printf("\tREend\n");
1551                     return;
1553                 case REwordboundary:
1554                     printf("\tREwordboundary\n");
1555                     pc++;
1556                     break;
1558                 case REnotwordboundary:
1559                     printf("\tREnotwordboundary\n");
1560                     pc++;
1561                     break;
1563                 case REdigit:
1564                     printf("\tREdigit\n");
1565                     pc++;
1566                     break;
1568                 case REnotdigit:
1569                     printf("\tREnotdigit\n");
1570                     pc++;
1571                     break;
1573                 case REspace:
1574                     printf("\tREspace\n");
1575                     pc++;
1576                     break;
1578                 case REnotspace:
1579                     printf("\tREnotspace\n");
1580                     pc++;
1581                     break;
1583                 case REword:
1584                     printf("\tREword\n");
1585                     pc++;
1586                     break;
1588                 case REnotword:
1589                     printf("\tREnotword\n");
1590                     pc++;
1591                     break;
1593                 case REbackref:
1594                     printf("\tREbackref %d\n", prog[1]);
1595                     pc += 2;
1596                     break;
1598                 default:
1599                     assert(0);
1600                 }
1601             }
1602         }
1603     }
1606 /**************************************************
1607  * Match input against a section of the program[].
1608  * Returns:
1609  *  1 if successful match
1610  *  0 no match
1611  */
1613     int trymatch(size_t pc, size_t pcend)
1614     {
1615         size_t len;
1616         size_t n;
1617         size_t m;
1618         size_t count;
1619         size_t pop;
1620         size_t ss;
1621         regmatch_t *psave;
1622         size_t c1;
1623         size_t c2;
1624         ushort* pu;
1625         uint* puint;
1627         debug(regexp)
1628         {
1629             auto sss = input[src .. input.length];
1630             printf("RegExp.trymatch(pc = %zd, src = '%.*s', pcend = %zd)\n", pc, sss.length, sss.ptr, pcend);
1631         }
1632         auto srcsave = src;
1633         psave = null;
1634         for (;;)
1635         {
1636             if (pc == pcend)        // if done matching
1637             {   debug(regex) printf("\tprogend\n");
1638                 return 1;
1639             }
1641             //printf("\top = %d\n", program[pc]);
1642             switch (program[pc])
1643             {
1644             case REchar:
1645                 if (src == input.length)
1646                     goto Lnomatch;
1647                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREchar '%c', src = '%c'\n", program[pc + 1], input[src]);
1648                 if (program[pc + 1] != input[src])
1649                     goto Lnomatch;
1650                 src++;
1651                 pc += 1 + char.sizeof;
1652                 break;
1654             case REichar:
1655                 if (src == input.length)
1656                     goto Lnomatch;
1657                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREichar '%c', src = '%c'\n", program[pc + 1], input[src]);
1658                 c1 = program[pc + 1];
1659                 c2 = input[src];
1660                 if (c1 != c2)
1661                 {
1662                     if (isLower(cast(rchar)c2))
1663                         c2 = std.ascii.toUpper(cast(rchar)c2);
1664                     else
1665                         goto Lnomatch;
1666                     if (c1 != c2)
1667                         goto Lnomatch;
1668                 }
1669                 src++;
1670                 pc += 1 + char.sizeof;
1671                 break;
1673             case REdchar:
1674                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREdchar '%c', src = '%c'\n", *(cast(dchar *)&program[pc + 1]), input[src]);
1675                 if (src == input.length)
1676                     goto Lnomatch;
1677                 if (*(cast(dchar *)&program[pc + 1]) != input[src])
1678                     goto Lnomatch;
1679                 src++;
1680                 pc += 1 + dchar.sizeof;
1681                 break;
1683             case REidchar:
1684                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREidchar '%c', src = '%c'\n", *(cast(dchar *)&program[pc + 1]), input[src]);
1685                 if (src == input.length)
1686                     goto Lnomatch;
1687                 c1 = *(cast(dchar *)&program[pc + 1]);
1688                 c2 = input[src];
1689                 if (c1 != c2)
1690                 {
1691                     if (isLower(cast(rchar)c2))
1692                         c2 = std.ascii.toUpper(cast(rchar)c2);
1693                     else
1694                         goto Lnomatch;
1695                     if (c1 != c2)
1696                         goto Lnomatch;
1697                 }
1698                 src++;
1699                 pc += 1 + dchar.sizeof;
1700                 break;
1702             case REanychar:
1703                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREanychar\n");
1704                 if (src == input.length)
1705                     goto Lnomatch;
1706                 if (!(attributes & REA.dotmatchlf) && input[src] == cast(rchar)'\n')
1707                     goto Lnomatch;
1708                 src += std.utf.stride(input, src);
1709                 //src++;
1710                 pc++;
1711                 break;
1713             case REstring:
1714                 len = *cast(size_t *)&program[pc + 1];
1715                 debug(regexp)
1716                 {
1717                     auto sss2 = (&program[pc + 1 + size_t.sizeof])[0 .. len];
1718                     printf("\tREstring x%x, '%.*s'\n", len, sss2.length, sss2.ptr);
1719                 }
1720                 if (src + len > input.length)
1721                     goto Lnomatch;
1722                 if (memcmp(&program[pc + 1 + size_t.sizeof], &input[src], len * rchar.sizeof))
1723                     goto Lnomatch;
1724                 src += len;
1725                 pc += 1 + size_t.sizeof + len * rchar.sizeof;
1726                 break;
1728             case REistring:
1729                 len = *cast(size_t *)&program[pc + 1];
1730                 debug(regexp)
1731                 {
1732                     auto sss2 = (&program[pc + 1 + size_t.sizeof])[0 .. len];
1733                     printf("\tREistring x%x, '%.*s'\n", len, sss2.length, sss2.ptr);
1734                 }
1735                 if (src + len > input.length)
1736                     goto Lnomatch;
1737                 if (icmp((cast(char*)&program[pc + 1 + size_t.sizeof])[0..len],
1738                                 input[src .. src + len]))
1739                     goto Lnomatch;
1740                 src += len;
1741                 pc += 1 + size_t.sizeof + len * rchar.sizeof;
1742                 break;
1744             case REtestbit:
1745                 pu = (cast(ushort *)&program[pc + 1]);
1746                 if (src == input.length)
1747                     goto Lnomatch;
1748                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREtestbit %d, %d, '%c', x%02x\n",
1749                         pu[0], pu[1], input[src], input[src]);
1750                 len = pu[1];
1751                 c1 = input[src];
1752                 //printf("[x%02x]=x%02x, x%02x\n", c1 >> 3, ((&program[pc + 1 + 4])[c1 >> 3] ), (1 << (c1 & 7)));
1753                 if (c1 <= pu[0] &&
1754                         !((&(program[pc + 1 + 4]))[c1 >> 3] & (1 << (c1 & 7))))
1755                     goto Lnomatch;
1756                 pc += 1 + 2 * ushort.sizeof + len;
1757                 break;
1759             case REbit:
1760                 pu = (cast(ushort *)&program[pc + 1]);
1761                 if (src == input.length)
1762                     goto Lnomatch;
1763                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREbit %d, %d, '%c'\n",
1764                         pu[0], pu[1], input[src]);
1765                 len = pu[1];
1766                 c1 = input[src];
1767                 if (c1 > pu[0])
1768                     goto Lnomatch;
1769                 if (!((&program[pc + 1 + 4])[c1 >> 3] & (1 << (c1 & 7))))
1770                     goto Lnomatch;
1771                 src++;
1772                 pc += 1 + 2 * ushort.sizeof + len;
1773                 break;
1775             case REnotbit:
1776                 pu = (cast(ushort *)&program[pc + 1]);
1777                 if (src == input.length)
1778                     goto Lnomatch;
1779                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnotbit %d, %d, '%c'\n",
1780                         pu[0], pu[1], input[src]);
1781                 len = pu[1];
1782                 c1 = input[src];
1783                 if (c1 <= pu[0] &&
1784                         ((&program[pc + 1 + 4])[c1 >> 3] & (1 << (c1 & 7))))
1785                     goto Lnomatch;
1786                 src++;
1787                 pc += 1 + 2 * ushort.sizeof + len;
1788                 break;
1790             case RErange:
1791                 len = *cast(uint *)&program[pc + 1];
1792                 debug(regexp) printf("\tRErange %d\n", len);
1793                 if (src == input.length)
1794                     goto Lnomatch;
1795                 // BUG: REA.ignoreCase?
1796                 if (memchr(cast(char*)&program[pc + 1 + uint.sizeof], input[src], len) == null)
1797                     goto Lnomatch;
1798                 src++;
1799                 pc += 1 + uint.sizeof + len;
1800                 break;
1802             case REnotrange:
1803                 len = *cast(uint *)&program[pc + 1];
1804                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnotrange %d\n", len);
1805                 if (src == input.length)
1806                     goto Lnomatch;
1807                 // BUG: REA.ignoreCase?
1808                 if (memchr(cast(char*)&program[pc + 1 + uint.sizeof], input[src], len) != null)
1809                     goto Lnomatch;
1810                 src++;
1811                 pc += 1 + uint.sizeof + len;
1812                 break;
1814             case REbol:
1815                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREbol\n");
1816                 if (src == 0)
1817                 {
1818                 }
1819                 else if (attributes & REA.multiline)
1820                 {
1821                     if (input[src - 1] != '\n')
1822                         goto Lnomatch;
1823                 }
1824                 else
1825                     goto Lnomatch;
1826                 pc++;
1827                 break;
1829             case REeol:
1830                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREeol\n");
1831                 if (src == input.length)
1832                 {
1833                 }
1834                 else if (attributes & REA.multiline && input[src] == '\n')
1835                     src++;
1836                 else
1837                     goto Lnomatch;
1838                 pc++;
1839                 break;
1841             case REor:
1842                 len = (cast(uint *)&program[pc + 1])[0];
1843                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREor %d\n", len);
1844                 pop = pc + 1 + uint.sizeof;
1845                 ss = src;
1846                 if (trymatch(pop, pcend))
1847                 {
1848                     if (pcend != program.length)
1849                     {
1850                         auto s = src;
1851                         if (trymatch(pcend, program.length))
1852                         {   debug(regexp) printf("\tfirst operand matched\n");
1853                             src = s;
1854                             return 1;
1855                         }
1856                         else
1857                         {
1858                             // If second branch doesn't match to end, take first anyway
1859                             src = ss;
1860                             if (!trymatch(pop + len, program.length))
1861                             {
1862                                 debug(regexp) printf("\tfirst operand matched\n");
1863                                 src = s;
1864                                 return 1;
1865                             }
1866                         }
1867                         src = ss;
1868                     }
1869                     else
1870                     {   debug(regexp) printf("\tfirst operand matched\n");
1871                         return 1;
1872                     }
1873                 }
1874                 pc = pop + len;     // proceed with 2nd branch
1875                 break;
1877             case REgoto:
1878                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREgoto\n");
1879                 len = (cast(uint *)&program[pc + 1])[0];
1880                 pc += 1 + uint.sizeof + len;
1881                 break;
1883             case REanystar:
1884                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREanystar\n");
1885                 pc++;
1886                 for (;;)
1887                 {
1888                     auto s1 = src;
1889                     if (src == input.length)
1890                         break;
1891                     if (!(attributes & REA.dotmatchlf) && input[src] == '\n')
1892                         break;
1893                     src++;
1894                     auto s2 = src;
1896                     // If no match after consumption, but it
1897                     // did match before, then no match
1898                     if (!trymatch(pc, program.length))
1899                     {
1900                         src = s1;
1901                         // BUG: should we save/restore pmatch[]?
1902                         if (trymatch(pc, program.length))
1903                         {
1904                             src = s1;       // no match
1905                             break;
1906                         }
1907                     }
1908                     src = s2;
1909                 }
1910                 break;
1912             case REnm:
1913             case REnmq:
1914                 // len, n, m, ()
1915                 puint = cast(uint *)&program[pc + 1];
1916                 len = puint[0];
1917                 n = puint[1];
1918                 m = puint[2];
1919                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnm%s len=%d, n=%u, m=%u\n",
1920                         (program[pc] == REnmq) ? "q".ptr : "".ptr, len, n, m);
1921                 pop = pc + 1 + uint.sizeof * 3;
1922                 for (count = 0; count < n; count++)
1923                 {
1924                     if (!trymatch(pop, pop + len))
1925                         goto Lnomatch;
1926                 }
1927                 if (!psave && count < m)
1928                 {
1929                     //version (Win32)
1930                     psave = cast(regmatch_t *)alloca((re_nsub + 1) * regmatch_t.sizeof);
1931                     //else
1932                     //psave = new regmatch_t[re_nsub + 1];
1933                 }
1934                 if (program[pc] == REnmq)   // if minimal munch
1935                 {
1936                     for (; count < m; count++)
1937                     {
1938                         memcpy(psave, pmatch.ptr, (re_nsub + 1) * regmatch_t.sizeof);
1939                         auto s1 = src;
1941                         if (trymatch(pop + len, program.length))
1942                         {
1943                             src = s1;
1944                             memcpy(pmatch.ptr, psave, (re_nsub + 1) * regmatch_t.sizeof);
1945                             break;
1946                         }
1948                         if (!trymatch(pop, pop + len))
1949                         {   debug(regexp) printf("\tdoesn't match subexpression\n");
1950                             break;
1951                         }
1953                         // If source is not consumed, don't
1954                         // infinite loop on the match
1955                         if (s1 == src)
1956                         {   debug(regexp) printf("\tsource is not consumed\n");
1957                             break;
1958                         }
1959                     }
1960                 }
1961                 else    // maximal munch
1962                 {
1963                     for (; count < m; count++)
1964                     {
1965                         memcpy(psave, pmatch.ptr, (re_nsub + 1) * regmatch_t.sizeof);
1966                         auto s1 = src;
1967                         if (!trymatch(pop, pop + len))
1968                         {   debug(regexp) printf("\tdoesn't match subexpression\n");
1969                             break;
1970                         }
1971                         auto s2 = src;
1973                         // If source is not consumed, don't
1974                         // infinite loop on the match
1975                         if (s1 == s2)
1976                         {   debug(regexp) printf("\tsource is not consumed\n");
1977                             break;
1978                         }
1980                         // If no match after consumption, but it
1981                         // did match before, then no match
1982                         if (!trymatch(pop + len, program.length))
1983                         {
1984                             src = s1;
1985                             if (trymatch(pop + len, program.length))
1986                             {
1987                                 src = s1;       // no match
1988                                 memcpy(pmatch.ptr, psave, (re_nsub + 1) * regmatch_t.sizeof);
1989                                 break;
1990                             }
1991                         }
1992                         src = s2;
1993                     }
1994                 }
1995                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnm len=%d, n=%u, m=%u, DONE count=%d\n", len, n, m, count);
1996                 pc = pop + len;
1997                 break;
1999             case REparen:
2000                 // len, ()
2001                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREparen\n");
2002                 puint = cast(uint *)&program[pc + 1];
2003                 len = puint[0];
2004                 n = puint[1];
2005                 pop = pc + 1 + uint.sizeof * 2;
2006                 ss = src;
2007                 if (!trymatch(pop, pop + len))
2008                     goto Lnomatch;
2009                 pmatch[n + 1].rm_so = ss;
2010                 pmatch[n + 1].rm_eo = src;
2011                 pc = pop + len;
2012                 break;
2014             case REend:
2015                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREend\n");
2016                 return 1;       // successful match
2018             case REwordboundary:
2019                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREwordboundary\n");
2020                 if (src > 0 && src < input.length)
2021                 {
2022                     c1 = input[src - 1];
2023                     c2 = input[src];
2024                     if (!(
2025                                 (isword(cast(rchar)c1) && !isword(cast(rchar)c2)) ||
2026                                 (!isword(cast(rchar)c1) && isword(cast(rchar)c2))
2027                                 )
2028                         )
2029                         goto Lnomatch;
2030                 }
2031                 pc++;
2032                 break;
2034             case REnotwordboundary:
2035                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnotwordboundary\n");
2036                 if (src == 0 || src == input.length)
2037                     goto Lnomatch;
2038                 c1 = input[src - 1];
2039                 c2 = input[src];
2040                 if (
2041                     (isword(cast(rchar)c1) && !isword(cast(rchar)c2)) ||
2042                     (!isword(cast(rchar)c1) && isword(cast(rchar)c2))
2043                     )
2044                     goto Lnomatch;
2045                 pc++;
2046                 break;
2048             case REdigit:
2049                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREdigit\n");
2050                 if (src == input.length)
2051                     goto Lnomatch;
2052                 if (!isDigit(input[src]))
2053                     goto Lnomatch;
2054                 src++;
2055                 pc++;
2056                 break;
2058             case REnotdigit:
2059                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnotdigit\n");
2060                 if (src == input.length)
2061                     goto Lnomatch;
2062                 if (isDigit(input[src]))
2063                     goto Lnomatch;
2064                 src++;
2065                 pc++;
2066                 break;
2068             case REspace:
2069                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREspace\n");
2070                 if (src == input.length)
2071                     goto Lnomatch;
2072                 if (!isWhite(input[src]))
2073                     goto Lnomatch;
2074                 src++;
2075                 pc++;
2076                 break;
2078             case REnotspace:
2079                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnotspace\n");
2080                 if (src == input.length)
2081                     goto Lnomatch;
2082                 if (isWhite(input[src]))
2083                     goto Lnomatch;
2084                 src++;
2085                 pc++;
2086                 break;
2088             case REword:
2089                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREword\n");
2090                 if (src == input.length)
2091                     goto Lnomatch;
2092                 if (!isword(input[src]))
2093                     goto Lnomatch;
2094                 src++;
2095                 pc++;
2096                 break;
2098             case REnotword:
2099                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREnotword\n");
2100                 if (src == input.length)
2101                     goto Lnomatch;
2102                 if (isword(input[src]))
2103                     goto Lnomatch;
2104                 src++;
2105                 pc++;
2106                 break;
2108             case REbackref:
2109             {
2110                 n = program[pc + 1];
2111                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREbackref %d\n", n);
2113                 auto so = pmatch[n + 1].rm_so;
2114                 auto eo = pmatch[n + 1].rm_eo;
2115                 len = eo - so;
2116                 if (src + len > input.length)
2117                     goto Lnomatch;
2118                 else if (attributes & REA.ignoreCase)
2119                 {
2120                     if (icmp(input[src .. src + len], input[so .. eo]))
2121                         goto Lnomatch;
2122                 }
2123                 else if (memcmp(&input[src], &input[so], len * rchar.sizeof))
2124                     goto Lnomatch;
2125                 src += len;
2126                 pc += 2;
2127                 break;
2128             }
2130             default:
2131                 assert(0);
2132             }
2133         }
2135       Lnomatch:
2136         debug(regexp) printf("\tnomatch pc=%d\n", pc);
2137         src = srcsave;
2138         return 0;
2139     }
2141 /* =================== Compiler ================== */
2143     int parseRegexp()
2144     {
2145         size_t gotooffset;
2146         uint len1;
2147         uint len2;
2149         debug(regexp)
2150         {
2151             auto sss = pattern[p .. pattern.length];
2152             printf("parseRegexp() '%.*s'\n", sss.length, sss.ptr);
2153         }
2154         auto offset = buf.offset;
2155         for (;;)
2156         {
2157             assert(p <= pattern.length);
2158             if (p == pattern.length)
2159             {   buf.write(REend);
2160                 return 1;
2161             }
2162             switch (pattern[p])
2163             {
2164             case ')':
2165                 return 1;
2167             case '|':
2168                 p++;
2169                 gotooffset = buf.offset;
2170                 buf.write(REgoto);
2171                 buf.write(cast(uint)0);
2172                 len1 = cast(uint)(buf.offset - offset);
2173                 buf.spread(offset, 1 + uint.sizeof);
2174                 gotooffset += 1 + uint.sizeof;
2175                 parseRegexp();
2176                 len2 = cast(uint)(buf.offset - (gotooffset + 1 + uint.sizeof));
2177                 buf.data[offset] = REor;
2178                 (cast(uint *)&buf.data[offset + 1])[0] = len1;
2179                 (cast(uint *)&buf.data[gotooffset + 1])[0] = len2;
2180                 break;
2182             default:
2183                 parsePiece();
2184                 break;
2185             }
2186         }
2187     }
2189     int parsePiece()
2190     {
2191         uint len;
2192         uint n;
2193         uint m;
2194         ubyte op;
2195         auto plength = pattern.length;
2197         debug(regexp)
2198         {
2199             auto sss = pattern[p .. pattern.length];
2200             printf("parsePiece() '%.*s'\n", sss.length, sss.ptr);
2201         }
2202         auto offset = buf.offset;
2203         parseAtom();
2204         if (p == plength)
2205             return 1;
2206         switch (pattern[p])
2207         {
2208         case '*':
2209             // Special optimization: replace .* with REanystar
2210             if (buf.offset - offset == 1 &&
2211                     buf.data[offset] == REanychar &&
2212                     p + 1 < plength &&
2213                     pattern[p + 1] != '?')
2214             {
2215                 buf.data[offset] = REanystar;
2216                 p++;
2217                 break;
2218             }
2220             n = 0;
2221             m = inf;
2222             goto Lnm;
2224         case '+':
2225             n = 1;
2226             m = inf;
2227             goto Lnm;
2229         case '?':
2230             n = 0;
2231             m = 1;
2232             goto Lnm;
2234         case '{':   // {n} {n,} {n,m}
2235             p++;
2236             if (p == plength || !isDigit(pattern[p]))
2237                 goto Lerr;
2238             n = 0;
2239             do
2240             {
2241                 // BUG: handle overflow
2242                 n = n * 10 + pattern[p] - '0';
2243                 p++;
2244                 if (p == plength)
2245                     goto Lerr;
2246             } while (isDigit(pattern[p]));
2247             if (pattern[p] == '}')      // {n}
2248             {   m = n;
2249                 goto Lnm;
2250             }
2251             if (pattern[p] != ',')
2252                 goto Lerr;
2253             p++;
2254             if (p == plength)
2255                 goto Lerr;
2256             if (pattern[p] == /*{*/ '}')    // {n,}
2257             {   m = inf;
2258                 goto Lnm;
2259             }
2260             if (!isDigit(pattern[p]))
2261                 goto Lerr;
2262             m = 0;          // {n,m}
2263             do
2264             {
2265                 // BUG: handle overflow
2266                 m = m * 10 + pattern[p] - '0';
2267                 p++;
2268                 if (p == plength)
2269                     goto Lerr;
2270             } while (isDigit(pattern[p]));
2271             if (pattern[p] != /*{*/ '}')
2272                 goto Lerr;
2273             goto Lnm;
2275         Lnm:
2276             p++;
2277             op = REnm;
2278             if (p < plength && pattern[p] == '?')
2279             {   op = REnmq; // minimal munch version
2280                 p++;
2281             }
2282             len = cast(uint)(buf.offset - offset);
2283             buf.spread(offset, 1 + uint.sizeof * 3);
2284             buf.data[offset] = op;
2285             uint* puint = cast(uint *)&buf.data[offset + 1];
2286             puint[0] = len;
2287             puint[1] = n;
2288             puint[2] = m;
2289             break;
2291         default:
2292             break;
2293         }
2294         return 1;
2296       Lerr:
2297         error("badly formed {n,m}");
2298         assert(0);
2299     }
2301     int parseAtom()
2302     {   ubyte op;
2303         size_t offset;
2304         rchar c;
2306         debug(regexp)
2307         {
2308             auto sss = pattern[p .. pattern.length];
2309             printf("parseAtom() '%.*s'\n", sss.length, sss.ptr);
2310         }
2311         if (p < pattern.length)
2312         {
2313             c = pattern[p];
2314             switch (c)
2315             {
2316             case '*':
2317             case '+':
2318             case '?':
2319                 error("*+? not allowed in atom");
2320                 p++;
2321                 return 0;
2323             case '(':
2324                 p++;
2325                 buf.write(REparen);
2326                 offset = buf.offset;
2327                 buf.write(cast(uint)0);     // reserve space for length
2328                 buf.write(re_nsub);
2329                 re_nsub++;
2330                 parseRegexp();
2331                 *cast(uint *)&buf.data[offset] =
2332                     cast(uint)(buf.offset - (offset + uint.sizeof * 2));
2333                 if (p == pattern.length || pattern[p] != ')')
2334                 {
2335                     error("')' expected");
2336                     return 0;
2337                 }
2338                 p++;
2339                 break;
2341             case '[':
2342                 if (!parseRange())
2343                     return 0;
2344                 break;
2346             case '.':
2347                 p++;
2348                 buf.write(REanychar);
2349                 break;
2351             case '^':
2352                 p++;
2353                 buf.write(REbol);
2354                 break;
2356             case '$':
2357                 p++;
2358                 buf.write(REeol);
2359                 break;
2361             case '\\':
2362                 p++;
2363                 if (p == pattern.length)
2364                 {   error("no character past '\\'");
2365                     return 0;
2366                 }
2367                 c = pattern[p];
2368                 switch (c)
2369                 {
2370                 case 'b':    op = REwordboundary;    goto Lop;
2371                 case 'B':    op = REnotwordboundary; goto Lop;
2372                 case 'd':    op = REdigit;       goto Lop;
2373                 case 'D':    op = REnotdigit;    goto Lop;
2374                 case 's':    op = REspace;       goto Lop;
2375                 case 'S':    op = REnotspace;    goto Lop;
2376                 case 'w':    op = REword;        goto Lop;
2377                 case 'W':    op = REnotword;     goto Lop;
2379                 Lop:
2380                     buf.write(op);
2381                     p++;
2382                     break;
2384                 case 'f':
2385                 case 'n':
2386                 case 'r':
2387                 case 't':
2388                 case 'v':
2389                 case 'c':
2390                 case 'x':
2391                 case 'u':
2392                 case '0':
2393                     c = cast(char)escape();
2394                     goto Lbyte;
2396                 case '1': case '2': case '3':
2397                 case '4': case '5': case '6':
2398                 case '7': case '8': case '9':
2399                     c -= '1';
2400                     if (c < re_nsub)
2401                     {   buf.write(REbackref);
2402                         buf.write(cast(ubyte)c);
2403                     }
2404                     else
2405                     {   error("no matching back reference");
2406                         return 0;
2407                     }
2408                     p++;
2409                     break;
2411                 default:
2412                     p++;
2413                     goto Lbyte;
2414                 }
2415                 break;
2417             default:
2418                 p++;
2419             Lbyte:
2420                 op = REchar;
2421                 if (attributes & REA.ignoreCase)
2422                 {
2423                     if (isAlpha(c))
2424                     {
2425                         op = REichar;
2426                         c = cast(char)std.ascii.toUpper(c);
2427                     }
2428                 }
2429                 if (op == REchar && c <= 0xFF)
2430                 {
2431                     // Look ahead and see if we can make this into
2432                     // an REstring
2433                     auto q = p;
2434                     for (; q < pattern.length; ++q)
2435                     {   rchar qc = pattern[q];
2437                         switch (qc)
2438                         {
2439                         case '{':
2440                         case '*':
2441                         case '+':
2442                         case '?':
2443                             if (q == p)
2444                                 goto Lchar;
2445                             q--;
2446                             break;
2448                         case '(':   case ')':
2449                         case '|':
2450                         case '[':   case ']':
2451                         case '.':   case '^':
2452                         case '$':   case '\\':
2453                         case '}':
2454                             break;
2456                         default:
2457                             continue;
2458                         }
2459                         break;
2460                     }
2461                     auto len = q - p;
2462                     if (len > 0)
2463                     {
2464                         debug(regexp) printf("writing string len %d, c = '%c', pattern[p] = '%c'\n", len+1, c, pattern[p]);
2465                         buf.reserve(5 + (1 + len) * rchar.sizeof);
2466                         buf.write((attributes & REA.ignoreCase) ? REistring : REstring);
2467                         buf.write(len + 1);
2468                         buf.write(c);
2469                         buf.write(pattern[p .. p + len]);
2470                         p = q;
2471                         break;
2472                     }
2473                 }
2474                 if (c >= 0x80)
2475                 {
2476                     // Convert to dchar opcode
2477                     op = (op == REchar) ? REdchar : REidchar;
2478                     buf.write(op);
2479                     buf.write(c);
2480                 }
2481                 else
2482                 {
2483                   Lchar:
2484                     debug(regexp) printf("It's an REchar '%c'\n", c);
2485                     buf.write(op);
2486                     buf.write(cast(char)c);
2487                 }
2488                 break;
2489             }
2490         }
2491         return 1;
2492     }
2494 private:
2495     class Range
2496     {
2497         size_t maxc;
2498         size_t maxb;
2499         OutBuffer buf;
2500         ubyte* base;
2501         BitArray bits;
2503         this(OutBuffer buf)
2504         {
2505             this.buf = buf;
2506             if (buf.data.length)
2507                 this.base = &buf.data[buf.offset];
2508         }
2510         void setbitmax(size_t u)
2511         {
2512             //printf("setbitmax(x%x), maxc = x%x\n", u, maxc);
2513             if (u > maxc)
2514             {
2515                 maxc = u;
2516                 auto b = u / 8;
2517                 if (b >= maxb)
2518                 {
2519                     auto u2 = base ? base - &buf.data[0] : 0;
2520                     buf.fill0(b - maxb + 1);
2521                     base = &buf.data[u2];
2522                     maxb = b + 1;
2523                     //bits = (cast(bit*)this.base)[0 .. maxc + 1];
2524                     bits = BitArray(maxc + 1, cast(size_t*)this.base);
2525                 }
2526                 bits.length = maxc + 1;
2527             }
2528         }
2530         void setbit2(size_t u)
2531         {
2532             setbitmax(u + 1);
2533             //printf("setbit2 [x%02x] |= x%02x\n", u >> 3, 1 << (u & 7));
2534             bits[u] = 1;
2535         }
2537     };
2539     int parseRange()
2540     {
2541         int c;
2542         int c2;
2543         uint i;
2544         uint cmax;
2546         cmax = 0x7F;
2547         p++;
2548         ubyte op = REbit;
2549         if (p == pattern.length)
2550         {
2551             error("invalid range");
2552             return 0;
2553         }
2554         if (pattern[p] == '^')
2555         {   p++;
2556             op = REnotbit;
2557             if (p == pattern.length)
2558             {
2559                 error("invalid range");
2560                 return 0;
2561             }
2562         }
2563         buf.write(op);
2564         auto offset = buf.offset;
2565         buf.write(cast(uint)0);     // reserve space for length
2566         buf.reserve(128 / 8);
2567         auto r = new Range(buf);
2568         if (op == REnotbit)
2569             r.setbit2(0);
2570         switch (pattern[p])
2571         {
2572         case ']':
2573         case '-':
2574             c = pattern[p];
2575             p++;
2576             r.setbit2(c);
2577             break;
2579         default:
2580             break;
2581         }
2583         enum RS { start, rliteral, dash }
2584         RS rs;
2586         rs = RS.start;
2587         for (;;)
2588         {
2589             if (p == pattern.length)
2590                 goto Lerr;
2591             switch (pattern[p])
2592             {
2593             case ']':
2594                 switch (rs)
2595                 {   case RS.dash:
2596                         r.setbit2('-');
2597                         goto case;
2598                     case RS.rliteral:
2599                         r.setbit2(c);
2600                         break;
2601                     case RS.start:
2602                         break;
2603                     default:
2604                         assert(0);
2605                 }
2606                 p++;
2607                 break;
2609             case '\\':
2610                 p++;
2611                 r.setbitmax(cmax);
2612                 if (p == pattern.length)
2613                     goto Lerr;
2614                 switch (pattern[p])
2615                 {
2616                 case 'd':
2617                     for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++)
2618                         r.bits[i] = 1;
2619                     goto Lrs;
2621                 case 'D':
2622                     for (i = 1; i < '0'; i++)
2623                         r.bits[i] = 1;
2624                     for (i = '9' + 1; i <= cmax; i++)
2625                         r.bits[i] = 1;
2626                     goto Lrs;
2628                 case 's':
2629                     for (i = 0; i <= cmax; i++)
2630                         if (isWhite(i))
2631                             r.bits[i] = 1;
2632                     goto Lrs;
2634                 case 'S':
2635                     for (i = 1; i <= cmax; i++)
2636                         if (!isWhite(i))
2637                             r.bits[i] = 1;
2638                     goto Lrs;
2640                 case 'w':
2641                     for (i = 0; i <= cmax; i++)
2642                         if (isword(cast(rchar)i))
2643                             r.bits[i] = 1;
2644                     goto Lrs;
2646                 case 'W':
2647                     for (i = 1; i <= cmax; i++)
2648                         if (!isword(cast(rchar)i))
2649                             r.bits[i] = 1;
2650                     goto Lrs;
2652                 Lrs:
2653                     switch (rs)
2654                     {   case RS.dash:
2655                             r.setbit2('-');
2656                             goto case;
2657                         case RS.rliteral:
2658                             r.setbit2(c);
2659                             break;
2660                         default:
2661                             break;
2662                     }
2663                     rs = RS.start;
2664                     continue;
2666                 default:
2667                     break;
2668                 }
2669                 c2 = escape();
2670                 goto Lrange;
2672             case '-':
2673                 p++;
2674                 if (rs == RS.start)
2675                     goto Lrange;
2676                 else if (rs == RS.rliteral)
2677                     rs = RS.dash;
2678                 else if (rs == RS.dash)
2679                 {
2680                     r.setbit2(c);
2681                     r.setbit2('-');
2682                     rs = RS.start;
2683                 }
2684                 continue;
2686             default:
2687                 c2 = pattern[p];
2688                 p++;
2689             Lrange:
2690                 switch (rs)
2691                 {   case RS.rliteral:
2692                         r.setbit2(c);
2693                         goto case;
2694                     case RS.start:
2695                         c = c2;
2696                         rs = RS.rliteral;
2697                         break;
2699                 case RS.dash:
2700                     if (c > c2)
2701                     {   error("inverted range in character class");
2702                         return 0;
2703                     }
2704                     r.setbitmax(c2);
2705                     //printf("c = %x, c2 = %x\n",c,c2);
2706                     for (; c <= c2; c++)
2707                         r.bits[c] = 1;
2708                     rs = RS.start;
2709                     break;
2711                 default:
2712                     assert(0);
2713                 }
2714                 continue;
2715             }
2716             break;
2717         }
2718         if (attributes & REA.ignoreCase)
2719         {
2720             // BUG: what about dchar?
2721             r.setbitmax(0x7F);
2722             for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
2723             {
2724                 if (r.bits[c])
2725                     r.bits[c + 'A' - 'a'] = 1;
2726                 else if (r.bits[c + 'A' - 'a'])
2727                     r.bits[c] = 1;
2728             }
2729         }
2730         //printf("maxc = %d, maxb = %d\n",r.maxc,r.maxb);
2731         (cast(ushort *)&buf.data[offset])[0] = cast(ushort)r.maxc;
2732         (cast(ushort *)&buf.data[offset])[1] = cast(ushort)r.maxb;
2733         return 1;
2735       Lerr:
2736         error("invalid range");
2737         return 0;
2738     }
2740     void error(string msg)
2741     {
2742         errors++;
2743         debug(regexp) printf("error: %.*s\n", msg.length, msg.ptr);
2744 //assert(0);
2745 //*(char*)0=0;
2746         throw new RegExpException(msg);
2747     }
2749 // p is following the \ char
2750     int escape()
2751     in
2752     {
2753         assert(p < pattern.length);
2754     }
2755     do
2756     {   int c;
2757         int i;
2758         rchar tc;
2760         c = pattern[p];     // none of the cases are multibyte
2761         switch (c)
2762         {
2763         case 'b':    c = '\b';  break;
2764         case 'f':    c = '\f';  break;
2765         case 'n':    c = '\n';  break;
2766         case 'r':    c = '\r';  break;
2767         case 't':    c = '\t';  break;
2768         case 'v':    c = '\v';  break;
2770             // BUG: Perl does \a and \e too, should we?
2772         case 'c':
2773             ++p;
2774             if (p == pattern.length)
2775                 goto Lretc;
2776             c = pattern[p];
2777             // Note: we are deliberately not allowing dchar letters
2778             if (!(('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')))
2779             {
2780               Lcerr:
2781                 error("letter expected following \\c");
2782                 return 0;
2783             }
2784             c &= 0x1F;
2785             break;
2787         case '0':
2788         case '1':
2789         case '2':
2790         case '3':
2791         case '4':
2792         case '5':
2793         case '6':
2794         case '7':
2795             c -= '0';
2796             for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
2797             {
2798                 p++;
2799                 if (p == pattern.length)
2800                     goto Lretc;
2801                 tc = pattern[p];
2802                 if ('0' <= tc && tc <= '7')
2803                 {   c = c * 8 + (tc - '0');
2804                     // Treat overflow as if last
2805                     // digit was not an octal digit
2806                     if (c >= 0xFF)
2807                     {   c >>= 3;
2808                         return c;
2809                     }
2810                 }
2811                 else
2812                     return c;
2813             }
2814             break;
2816         case 'x':
2817             c = 0;
2818             for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
2819             {
2820                 p++;
2821                 if (p == pattern.length)
2822                     goto Lretc;
2823                 tc = pattern[p];
2824                 if ('0' <= tc && tc <= '9')
2825                     c = c * 16 + (tc - '0');
2826                 else if ('a' <= tc && tc <= 'f')
2827                     c = c * 16 + (tc - 'a' + 10);
2828                 else if ('A' <= tc && tc <= 'F')
2829                     c = c * 16 + (tc - 'A' + 10);
2830                 else if (i == 0)    // if no hex digits after \x
2831                 {
2832                     // Not a valid \xXX sequence
2833                     return 'x';
2834                 }
2835                 else
2836                     return c;
2837             }
2838             break;
2840         case 'u':
2841             c = 0;
2842             for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
2843             {
2844                 p++;
2845                 if (p == pattern.length)
2846                     goto Lretc;
2847                 tc = pattern[p];
2848                 if ('0' <= tc && tc <= '9')
2849                     c = c * 16 + (tc - '0');
2850                 else if ('a' <= tc && tc <= 'f')
2851                     c = c * 16 + (tc - 'a' + 10);
2852                 else if ('A' <= tc && tc <= 'F')
2853                     c = c * 16 + (tc - 'A' + 10);
2854                 else
2855                 {
2856                     // Not a valid \uXXXX sequence
2857                     p -= i;
2858                     return 'u';
2859                 }
2860             }
2861             break;
2863         default:
2864             break;
2865         }
2866         p++;
2867       Lretc:
2868         return c;
2869     }
2871 /* ==================== optimizer ======================= */
2873     void optimize()
2874     {   ubyte[] prog;
2876         debug(regexp) printf("RegExp.optimize()\n");
2877         prog = buf.toBytes();
2878         for (size_t i = 0; 1;)
2879         {
2880             //printf("\tprog[%d] = %d, %d\n", i, prog[i], REstring);
2881             switch (prog[i])
2882             {
2883             case REend:
2884             case REanychar:
2885             case REanystar:
2886             case REbackref:
2887             case REeol:
2888             case REchar:
2889             case REichar:
2890             case REdchar:
2891             case REidchar:
2892             case REstring:
2893             case REistring:
2894             case REtestbit:
2895             case REbit:
2896             case REnotbit:
2897             case RErange:
2898             case REnotrange:
2899             case REwordboundary:
2900             case REnotwordboundary:
2901             case REdigit:
2902             case REnotdigit:
2903             case REspace:
2904             case REnotspace:
2905             case REword:
2906             case REnotword:
2907                 return;
2909             case REbol:
2910                 i++;
2911                 continue;
2913             case REor:
2914             case REnm:
2915             case REnmq:
2916             case REparen:
2917             case REgoto:
2918             {
2919                 auto bitbuf = new OutBuffer;
2920                 auto r = new Range(bitbuf);
2921                 auto offset = i;
2922                 if (starrchars(r, prog[i .. prog.length]))
2923                 {
2924                     debug(regexp) printf("\tfilter built\n");
2925                     buf.spread(offset, 1 + 4 + r.maxb);
2926                     buf.data[offset] = REtestbit;
2927                     (cast(ushort *)&buf.data[offset + 1])[0] = cast(ushort)r.maxc;
2928                     (cast(ushort *)&buf.data[offset + 1])[1] = cast(ushort)r.maxb;
2929                     i = offset + 1 + 4;
2930                     buf.data[i .. i + r.maxb] = r.base[0 .. r.maxb];
2931                 }
2932                 return;
2933             }
2934             default:
2935                 assert(0);
2936             }
2937         }
2938     }
2940 /////////////////////////////////////////
2941 // OR the leading character bits into r.
2942 // Limit the character range from 0..7F,
2943 // trymatch() will allow through anything over maxc.
2944 // Return 1 if success, 0 if we can't build a filter or
2945 // if there is no point to one.
2947     int starrchars(Range r, const(ubyte)[] prog)
2948     {   rchar c;
2949         uint maxc;
2950         size_t maxb;
2951         size_t len;
2952         uint b;
2953         uint n;
2954         uint m;
2955         const(ubyte)* pop;
2957         //printf("RegExp.starrchars(prog = %p, progend = %p)\n", prog, progend);
2958         for (size_t i = 0; i < prog.length;)
2959         {
2960             switch (prog[i])
2961             {
2962             case REchar:
2963                 c = prog[i + 1];
2964                 if (c <= 0x7F)
2965                     r.setbit2(c);
2966                 return 1;
2968             case REichar:
2969                 c = prog[i + 1];
2970                 if (c <= 0x7F)
2971                 {   r.setbit2(c);
2972                     r.setbit2(std.ascii.toLower(cast(rchar)c));
2973                 }
2974                 return 1;
2976             case REdchar:
2977             case REidchar:
2978                 return 1;
2980             case REanychar:
2981                 return 0;       // no point
2983             case REstring:
2984                 len = *cast(size_t *)&prog[i + 1];
2985                 assert(len);
2986                 c = *cast(rchar *)&prog[i + 1 + size_t.sizeof];
2987                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREstring %d, '%c'\n", len, c);
2988                 if (c <= 0x7F)
2989                     r.setbit2(c);
2990                 return 1;
2992             case REistring:
2993                 len = *cast(size_t *)&prog[i + 1];
2994                 assert(len);
2995                 c = *cast(rchar *)&prog[i + 1 + size_t.sizeof];
2996                 debug(regexp) printf("\tREistring %d, '%c'\n", len, c);
2997                 if (c <= 0x7F)
2998                 {   r.setbit2(std.ascii.toUpper(cast(rchar)c));
2999                     r.setbit2(std.ascii.toLower(cast(rchar)c));
3000                 }
3001                 return 1;
3003             case REtestbit:
3004             case REbit:
3005                 maxc = (cast(ushort *)&prog[i + 1])[0];
3006                 maxb = (cast(ushort *)&prog[i + 1])[1];
3007                 if (maxc <= 0x7F)
3008                     r.setbitmax(maxc);
3009                 else
3010                     maxb = r.maxb;
3011                 for (b = 0; b < maxb; b++)
3012                     r.base[b] |= prog[i + 1 + 4 + b];
3013                 return 1;
3015             case REnotbit:
3016                 maxc = (cast(ushort *)&prog[i + 1])[0];
3017                 maxb = (cast(ushort *)&prog[i + 1])[1];
3018                 if (maxc <= 0x7F)
3019                     r.setbitmax(maxc);
3020                 else
3021                     maxb = r.maxb;
3022                 for (b = 0; b < maxb; b++)
3023                     r.base[b] |= ~cast(int)prog[i + 1 + 4 + b];
3024                 return 1;
3026             case REbol:
3027             case REeol:
3028                 return 0;
3030             case REor:
3031                 len = (cast(uint *)&prog[i + 1])[0];
3032                 return starrchars(r, prog[i + 1 + uint.sizeof .. prog.length]) &&
3033                     starrchars(r, prog[i + 1 + uint.sizeof + len .. prog.length]);
3035             case REgoto:
3036                 len = (cast(uint *)&prog[i + 1])[0];
3037                 i += 1 + uint.sizeof + len;
3038                 break;
3040             case REanystar:
3041                 return 0;
3043             case REnm:
3044             case REnmq:
3045                 // len, n, m, ()
3046                 len = (cast(uint *)&prog[i + 1])[0];
3047                 n   = (cast(uint *)&prog[i + 1])[1];
3048                 m   = (cast(uint *)&prog[i + 1])[2];
3049                 pop = &prog[i + 1 + uint.sizeof * 3];
3050                 if (!starrchars(r, pop[0 .. len]))
3051                     return 0;
3052                 if (n)
3053                     return 1;
3054                 i += 1 + uint.sizeof * 3 + len;
3055                 break;
3057             case REparen:
3058                 // len, ()
3059                 len = (cast(uint *)&prog[i + 1])[0];
3060                 n   = (cast(uint *)&prog[i + 1])[1];
3061                 pop = &prog[0] + i + 1 + uint.sizeof * 2;
3062                 return starrchars(r, pop[0 .. len]);
3064             case REend:
3065                 return 0;
3067             case REwordboundary:
3068             case REnotwordboundary:
3069                 return 0;
3071             case REdigit:
3072                 r.setbitmax('9');
3073                 for (c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
3074                     r.bits[c] = 1;
3075                 return 1;
3077             case REnotdigit:
3078                 r.setbitmax(0x7F);
3079                 for (c = 0; c <= '0'; c++)
3080                     r.bits[c] = 1;
3081                 for (c = '9' + 1; c <= r.maxc; c++)
3082                     r.bits[c] = 1;
3083                 return 1;
3085             case REspace:
3086                 r.setbitmax(0x7F);
3087                 for (c = 0; c <= r.maxc; c++)
3088                     if (isWhite(c))
3089                         r.bits[c] = 1;
3090                 return 1;
3092             case REnotspace:
3093                 r.setbitmax(0x7F);
3094                 for (c = 0; c <= r.maxc; c++)
3095                     if (!isWhite(c))
3096                         r.bits[c] = 1;
3097                 return 1;
3099             case REword:
3100                 r.setbitmax(0x7F);
3101                 for (c = 0; c <= r.maxc; c++)
3102                     if (isword(cast(rchar)c))
3103                         r.bits[c] = 1;
3104                 return 1;
3106             case REnotword:
3107                 r.setbitmax(0x7F);
3108                 for (c = 0; c <= r.maxc; c++)
3109                     if (!isword(cast(rchar)c))
3110                         r.bits[c] = 1;
3111                 return 1;
3113             case REbackref:
3114                 return 0;
3116             default:
3117                 assert(0);
3118             }
3119         }
3120         return 1;
3121     }
3123 /* ==================== replace ======================= */
3125 /***********************
3126  * After a match is found with test(), this function
3127  * will take the match results and, using the format
3128  * string, generate and return a new string.
3129  */
3131     public string replace(string format)
3132     {
3133         return replace3(format, input, pmatch[0 .. re_nsub + 1]);
3134     }
3136 // Static version that doesn't require a RegExp object to be created
3138     public static string replace3(string format, string input, regmatch_t[] pmatch)
3139     {
3140         string result;
3141         size_t c2;
3142         sizediff_t rm_so, rm_eo, i;
3144 //    printf("replace3(format = '%.*s', input = '%.*s')\n", format.length, format.ptr, input.length, input.ptr);
3145         result.length = format.length;
3146         result.length = 0;
3147         for (size_t f = 0; f < format.length; f++)
3148         {
3149             char c = format[f];
3150           L1:
3151             if (c != '$')
3152             {
3153                 result ~= c;
3154                 continue;
3155             }
3156             ++f;
3157             if (f == format.length)
3158             {
3159                 result ~= '$';
3160                 break;
3161             }
3162             c = format[f];
3163             switch (c)
3164             {
3165             case '&':
3166                 rm_so = pmatch[0].rm_so;
3167                 rm_eo = pmatch[0].rm_eo;
3168                 goto Lstring;
3170             case '`':
3171                 rm_so = 0;
3172                 rm_eo = pmatch[0].rm_so;
3173                 goto Lstring;
3175             case '\'':
3176                 rm_so = pmatch[0].rm_eo;
3177                 rm_eo = input.length;
3178                 goto Lstring;
3180             case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
3181             case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
3182                 i = c - '0';
3183                 if (f + 1 == format.length)
3184                 {
3185                     if (i == 0)
3186                     {
3187                         result ~= '$';
3188                         result ~= c;
3189                         continue;
3190                     }
3191                 }
3192                 else
3193                 {
3194                     c2 = format[f + 1];
3195                     if (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9')
3196                     {
3197                         i = (c - '0') * 10 + (c2 - '0');
3198                         f++;
3199                     }
3200                     if (i == 0)
3201                     {
3202                         result ~= '$';
3203                         result ~= c;
3204                         c = cast(char)c2;
3205                         goto L1;
3206                     }
3207                 }
3209                 if (i < pmatch.length)
3210                 {   rm_so = pmatch[i].rm_so;
3211                     rm_eo = pmatch[i].rm_eo;
3212                     goto Lstring;
3213                 }
3214                 break;
3216             Lstring:
3217                 if (rm_so != rm_eo)
3218                     result ~= input[rm_so .. rm_eo];
3219                 break;
3221             default:
3222                 result ~= '$';
3223                 result ~= c;
3224                 break;
3225             }
3226         }
3227         return result;
3228     }
3230 /************************************
3231  * Like replace(char[] format), but uses old style formatting:
3232         <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
3233         <th>Format
3234         <th>Description
3235         <tr>
3236         <td><b>&</b>
3237         <td>replace with the match
3238         </tr>
3239         <tr>
3240         <td><b>\</b><i>n</i>
3241         <td>replace with the <i>n</i>th parenthesized match, <i>n</i> is 1..9
3242         </tr>
3243         <tr>
3244         <td><b>\</b><i>c</i>
3245         <td>replace with char <i>c</i>.
3246         </tr>
3247         </table>
3248 */
3250     public string replaceOld(string format)
3251     {
3252         string result;
3254 //printf("replace: this = %p so = %d, eo = %d\n", this, pmatch[0].rm_so, pmatch[0].rm_eo);
3255 //printf("3input = '%.*s'\n", input.length, input.ptr);
3256         result.length = format.length;
3257         result.length = 0;
3258         for (size_t i; i < format.length; i++)
3259         {
3260             char c = format[i];
3261             switch (c)
3262             {
3263             case '&':
3264                 {
3265                     auto sss = input[pmatch[0].rm_so .. pmatch[0].rm_eo];
3266                     //printf("match = '%.*s'\n", sss.length, sss.ptr);
3267                     result ~= sss;
3268                 }
3269                 break;
3271             case '\\':
3272                 if (i + 1 < format.length)
3273                 {
3274                     c = format[++i];
3275                     if (c >= '1' && c <= '9')
3276                     {   uint j;
3278                         j = c - '0';
3279                         if (j <= re_nsub && pmatch[j].rm_so != pmatch[j].rm_eo)
3280                             result ~= input[pmatch[j].rm_so .. pmatch[j].rm_eo];
3281                         break;
3282                     }
3283                 }
3284                 result ~= c;
3285                 break;
3287             default:
3288                 result ~= c;
3289                 break;
3290             }
3291         }
3292         return result;
3293     }
3295 }
3297 unittest
3298 {   // Created and placed in public domain by Don Clugston
3300     auto m = search("aBC r s", `bc\x20r[\40]s`, "i");
3301     assert(m.pre=="a");
3302     assert(m[0]=="BC r s");
3303     auto m2 = search("7xxyxxx", `^\d([a-z]{2})\D\1`);
3304     assert(m2[0]=="7xxyxx");
3305     // Just check the parsing.
3306     auto m3 = search("dcbxx", `ca|b[\d\]\D\s\S\w-\W]`);
3307     auto m4 = search("xy", `[^\ca-\xFa\r\n\b\f\t\v\0123]{2,485}$`);
3308     auto m5 = search("xxx", `^^\r\n\b{13,}\f{4}\t\v\u02aF3a\w\W`);
3309     auto m6 = search("xxy", `.*y`);
3310     assert(m6[0]=="xxy");
3311     auto m7 = search("QWDEfGH", "(ca|b|defg)+", "i");
3312     assert(m7[0]=="DEfG");
3313     auto m8 = search("dcbxx", `a?\B\s\S`);
3314     auto m9 = search("dcbxx", `[-w]`);
3315     auto m10 = search("dcbsfd", `aB[c-fW]dB|\d|\D|\u012356|\w|\W|\s|\S`, "i");
3316     auto m11 = search("dcbsfd", `[]a-]`);
3317     m.replaceOld(`a&b\1c`);
3318     m.replace(`a$&b$'$1c`);
3319 }
3321 // Andrei
3322 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3324 struct Pattern(Char)
3325 {
3326     immutable(Char)[] pattern;
3328     this(immutable(Char)[] pattern)
3329     {
3330         this.pattern = pattern;
3331     }
3332 }
3334 Pattern!(Char) pattern(Char)(immutable(Char)[] pat)
3335 {
3336     return typeof(return)(pat);
3337 }
3339 struct Splitter(Range)
3340 {
3341     Range _input;
3342     size_t _chunkLength;
3343     RegExp _rx;
3345     private Range search()
3346     {
3347         //rx = undead.regexp.search(_input, "(" ~ _separator.pattern ~ ")");
3348         auto i = undead.regexp.find(cast(string) _input, _rx);
3349         return _input[i >= 0 ? i : _input.length .. _input.length];
3350     }
3352     private void advance()
3353     {
3354         //writeln("(" ~ _separator.pattern ~ ")");
3355         //writeln(_input);
3356         //assert(_rx[0].length > 0);
3357         _chunkLength += _rx[0].length;
3358     }
3360     this(Range input, Pattern!(char) separator)
3361     {
3362         _input = input;
3363         _rx = RegExp(separator.pattern);
3364         _chunkLength = _input.length - search().length;
3365     }
3367     ref auto opSlice()
3368     {
3369         return this;
3370     }
3372     @property Range front()
3373     {
3374         return _input[0 .. _chunkLength];
3375     }
3377     @property bool empty()
3378     {
3379         return _input.empty;
3380     }
3382     void popFront()
3383     {
3384         if (_chunkLength == _input.length)
3385         {
3386             _input = _input[_chunkLength .. _input.length];
3387             return;
3388         }
3389         advance();
3390         _input = _input[_chunkLength .. _input.length];
3391         _chunkLength = _input.length - search().length;
3392     }
3393 }
3395 Splitter!(Range) splitter(Range)(Range r, Pattern!(char) pat)
3396 {
3397     static assert(is(Unqual!(typeof(Range.init[0])) == char),
3398         Unqual!(typeof(Range.init[0])).stringof);
3399     return typeof(return)(cast(string) r, pat);
3400 }
3402 unittest
3403 {
3404     auto s1 = ", abc, de,  fg, hi, ";
3405     auto sp2 = splitter(s1, pattern(", *"));
3406     //foreach (e; sp2) writeln("[", e, "]");
3407     assert(equal(sp2, ["", "abc", "de", "fg", "hi"][]));
3408 }
3410 unittest
3411 {
3412     auto str= "foo";
3413     string[] re_strs= [
3414              r"^(h|a|)fo[oas]$",
3415              r"^(a|b|)fo[oas]$",
3416              r"^(a|)foo$",
3417              r"(a|)foo",
3418              r"^(h|)foo$",
3419              r"(h|)foo",
3420              r"(h|a|)fo[oas]",
3421              r"^(a|b|)fo[o]$",
3422              r"[abf][ops](o|oo|)(h|a|)",
3423              r"(h|)[abf][ops](o|oo|)",
3424              r"(c|)[abf][ops](o|oo|)"
3425     ];
3427     foreach (re_str; re_strs) {
3428         auto re= new RegExp(re_str);
3429         auto matches= cast(bool)re.test(str);
3430         assert(matches);
3431         //writefln("'%s' matches '%s' ? %s", str, re_str, matches);
3432     }
3434     for (char c='a'; c<='z'; ++c) {
3435         auto re_str= "("~c~"|)foo";
3436         auto re= new RegExp(re_str);
3437         auto matches= cast(bool)re.test(str);
3438         assert(matches);
3439         //writefln("'%s' matches '%s' ? %s", str, re_str, matches);
3440     }
3441 }