
Search string for matches with regular expression pattern with attributes. Replace each match with string generated from format.

  1. string sub(string s, string pattern, string format, string attributes)
    string s
    string pattern
    string format
    string attributes = null
  2. string sub(string s, string pattern, string delegate(RegExp) dg, string attributes)


s string

String to search.

pattern string

Regular expression pattern.

format string

Replacement string format.

attributes string

Regular expression attributes.

Return Value

Type: string

the resulting string


Replace the letters 'a' with the letters 'ZZ'.

s = "Strap a rocket engine on a chicken."
sub(s, "a", "ZZ")        // result: StrZZp a rocket engine on a chicken.
sub(s, "a", "ZZ", "g")   // result: StrZZp ZZ rocket engine on ZZ chicken.

The replacement format can reference the matches using the $&, $$, $', $`, $0 .. $99 notation:

sub(s, "[ar]", "[$&]", "g") // result: St[r][a]p [a] [r]ocket engine on [a] chi
